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Jul 06 2022
Jessica Hopkins
Jessica Hopkins
featured image for flash the sloth

Get tips on how to use Hostfully to optimize your vacation rental business and make more profit.


What’s in this article?

Introducing Flash the Sloth

Hi Everyone, my name is Flash and I am a Sloth. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not your run-of-the-mill sloth. I am fast like lightning. That’s why my parents named me Flash.

picture of flash with another sloth and dog

I was born and raised in beautiful Ojuchal, Costa Rica where I lived near a stunning home called Casa Arcoiris y Sonrisa (that’s Rainbow and Smile House for those of you who don’t speak Spanish). From a young age, I was fascinated by the travelers who came from all around the world to visit the house.

In 2020, I was hanging around with a few of my friends in the trees when a tall guy with a loud voice appeared on the balcony. Oh my gosh, was he excited to see me! It’s like he’d never seen a sloth before, that’s how much enthusiasm he had. The guy’s name was David and he was visiting Costa Rica with his family.

image of sloth

David told me all about where he was from – a city called San Francisco. From what David said, the weather sounded cooler, yet sunny, the food was delicious, and the views were incredible. Then – you’ll never believe it – he invited me to come back there with him! I was so excited. A few days later, I packed myself into his suitcase and was on a flight to San Francisco.

Once I arrived, I explored the city for a few weeks. Everyone was so nice and one woman – David’s colleague – Margot, even offered to let me stay in her home. She said it was ok as long as I let her kids hug me a lot and her cat sleep on me once in a while. After some consideration, I decided it was a fair deal and went to live with them.

flash with a koala

Now that I’m a San Francisco resident I’ve begun to explore different ways to earn some extra cash. Because holy cow, this is an expensive city! One of the things I’ve been considering is short-term rentals. After doing some research, I got my STR license from the city and started hosting guests in my apartment in 2021 – now I have three separate listings!

As I embark on this hosting journey, I hope you’ll join me as I learn and figure out how to be the best host.